Has a family member or friend ever expressed an interest in the Catholic Church? Or maybe you yourself have never been baptized, or have been baptized in another Christian tradition, and feel that God may now be calling you toward the Church. If so, the RCIA is here to help. This is a process that is concerned with the total formation of the individual considering membership in the Catholic Church. Because it is a process and not a pre-set program that is the same for everyone, RCIA can meet people where they are on their faith journeys and help them to develop their relationship with God, His Church, and the Saint Anthony Daniel Parish community.
Contact the RCIA leader Janine to learn more: Email Janine
"Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock,
and the door will be opened for you." Matthew 7:7
Stage 1 - Just Looking - Inquiry Stage
In the inquiry stage, you're just finding out about Jesus, Christianity, and the Catholic Church. Your main task here is to explore and develop your faith enough so you can make an informed initial decision about entering the Catholic Church.
Stage 2 - Learning about the Faith - Catechesis
In this stage, your faith has begun to develop. Now you need to learn and grow more. Those who decide to enter the Church and are being trained for a life in Christ are called catechumens, an ancient name from the early Church. In this stage you, are learning the basic points about Catholic faith and life. You are developing your interior life.
Stage 3 - Getting Ready for Rebirth - Purification and Enlightenment
The period of purification and enlightenment is the final stage before receiving the Easter sacraments of initiation into the Church: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. This stage of intense reflection calls you to a deeper conversion in preparation for your renewal at Easter.
Stage 4 - Reflecting on the Mysteries of the Mass - Mystagogy
This stage of mystagogy during Easter is for continued reflection of the sacraments you have received at Easter, especially at the Eucharist. This period is designed to help you understand, appreciate, and live more deeply in this centre of Catholicism.